Non - Executive Directorships
Over the last 20 years I have had a passion for providing best practive governance leadership. Having held various Non-Executive roles I continue to be excited about adding value to organisational governance. Having completed the Australian Institute of Directors program in 2015, my committment to ensuring high level professional governance continues to grow as does my desire for providing strategy, quality assurance, and risk management leadership for organisations.
Elected and Appointed Positions

Mana-Aki-Coaching - Founder June 2017 - Current
Coaching service for all people who are looking to uncover their new horizons, whether is be work, physical, spiritual, or simply needing to unlock pathways in your life.

Destination Southern Lakes - Board Member Nov 2023 - Current
The destination management organisation will oversee the implementation of the region’s destination management plan, Travel to a Thriving Future, which was endorsed by Queenstown-Lakes councillors in February and is a partnership between Destination Queenstown (DQ), Lake Wānaka Tourism (LWT) and the Queenstown Lakes District Council.

Executive Steering Group New Dunedin Hospital - Board Member June 2021 - Dec 2023
The New Dunedin Hospital Project Executive Steering Group (ESG) is the key strategic decision-making body accountable for the successful delivery and outcomes. The ESG provides governance over this “Hospital Build” infrastructure project while ensuring alignment with the DHB Transformation Programme.

Action Engineering - Chairperson December 2020 - Current
Dunedin-based Action Engineering was founded in 1991. It is one of the largest general engineering companies in Dunedin with 40 staff.

Ōtākou Limited - Director November 2018 - Dec 2023
As part of the Ngāi Tahu papatipu runaka group providing investment strategy and opportunities for Ngāi Tahu hāpu within the Ōtākou region.

Youthline - Independent Director Sept 2018 - Dec 2023
A primary health counselling organisation that provides helpline support, face-to-face counselling psychotherapy, community education, youth group facilitation and volunteer development to over 20,000 calls, 126,000 texts and 41,000 emails per annum.

Aurora Energy - Associate Director January 2018 - Jan 2020
Appointed to Aurora Energy as part of the Dunedin City Holdings Corporation intern program. Aurora Energy is New Zealand’s seventh largest electricity network by customer connections, supplying electricity to more than 88,000 homes, farms and businesses in Dunedin, Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes.

Board Director - Botswana Orphan Project June 2010 - 2015
In an effort to help alleviate the problematic situations arising from the HIV/AIDS crisis in Botswana, volunteers from Australia and Canada have and will be travelling into the country to construct Orphan Centres. The Orphan Centres will then be run by locals, international volunteers and local churches.

Chairman - Te Runanga o Otakou (Ngai Tahu Subsidiary) November 2001 - 2003
The core responsibility of a Te Rūnanga Representative is outlined in the Charter to administer the assets and liabilities of Te Rūnanga as kaitiaki for Ngāi Tahu Whānui. In performing those duties each Rūnanga Representative is to act in good faith and in a manner that the Rūnanga Representative believes on reasonable grounds is in the best interests of Ngāi Tahu Whānui as a whole.

Board Director - Arai te Uru Commuity Health Centre Novemnber 2001 - 2003
Our role is to support whānau using an integrated and collaborative approach to service provision in partnership with whānau and other organisations.
Our approach to service delivery is:
Culturally relevant
Work alongside and in partnership with whānau to support them to realise their potential and achieve their moemoea.
Whānau have within themselves the capacity to be innovative and capable in making decisions that improve and sustain their life choices.

Board Director - New Zealand Lotteries Board Otago January 2002- 2003
Charities Services is part of the Department of Internal Affairs and is legislated by the Charities Act 2005. Our role is to promote public trust and confidence in the charitable sector and to encourage the effective use of charitable resources. We do this by registering and monitoring charities and processing Annual Returns. We also encourage good governance and management practices by providing educational support, advice and materials.
Charities Services maintains the Charities Register, which contains information about more than 27,000 Registered Charities. The Charities Register is the public record of Registered Charities that operate under the rules of the Charities Act 2005.

Board Director - Restorative Justice Otago (RJO) January 2000 - 2002
RJO is the professional association representing the growing number of those in need of an alternative approach to justice. Since it's inception it has established a strong and credible base for the development of quality restorative practices services. We have been involved with all facets of restorative justice and practices.
Its mission is to foster and support high-quality restorative practice and services that will enhance the lives of individuals and communities. RJO will continue to develop and enhance its range of servies within the Justice sector.